for Light: illuminate, glow, shine, brilliance, approach, interpretation,
context, and understanding. Light conveys both an absence of
darkness and a quality that will help us to see and understand more clearly.
Light, although a semi-consistent and cyclical element in our world, remains
constant within the carrier of Danielle Scott. Spirituality and the
expression of love is of the utmost importance to Her Write Peace’s feature
Hockey Wife this month. In all modesty Danielle shares her life with me and
with the most sincerest intention I gladly include her as alumni in “Doing
it Right: The Life of a Hockey Wife”.
Danielle is
a proud wife to NHLer John Scott of the San Jose Sharks, and a doting
mommy to two of the sweetest little girls, Eva and Gabriella. Danielle
and John met at Michigan Tech as they were both Mechanical Engineering students
and coincidentally living in the same dorm. Danielle jokes “There was
a 7 to 1 male to female ratio in that program back then so it’s safe to
say that John noticed me far before I noticed him.” Like any memorable
love story, the thrill of the chase is quintessential to its
their university tenure, Danielle and John had a few classes together and were
friendly but not really friends. Danielle says, “Anyone who knows John
knows that he loves to make people laugh so naturally he tried his humour
to catch my attention, but he must have been nervous or I was super naive
because it never really translated.” Since John was, of course, on Tech’s
hockey team, the hockey schedule was gruelling and it was rare if anyone
ever saw the team out and about. As the likely story goes, most girls are
apprehensive about dating a hockey player, and Danielle had never really been a
fan of hockey in the first place. But of course, they were eventually rounded
up into the same social circle due to one of Danielle’s friends having a
history with one of John’s teammates. Danielle recalls the night, “he took
the opportunity to strike up conversation by challenging me to a game of
darts. I was winning the entire game until the end. John threw three Bulls eyes
in a row to beat me. Knowing him now, I know how relieved and elated he must
have felt but at the time he, of course, totally played it cool. I had just
gotten out of a long relationship, so I wasn’t initially taking anything
serious, even after three bullseyes, and especially with a hockey player,
but within a couple of weeks he totally had me wrapped around his finger.”
matter of time, John moved to Houston to join the Minnesota Wild farm
team. One month into their exclusive relationship, Danielle experiences the
“Hockey Wife” lifestyle…living apart. Distance aside, the two are
still crazy for each other.
of the season, John took the leap…he took all the money he had earned and
saved and bought an engagement ring for this lovely lady. The crazy part? After
nine months of dating, seven of which were long distance, this six-foot-eight,
love struck teddy bear, proposed! In hindsight, Danielle revels, “I was
only 22 years old. Looking back at things now, I think how crazy we were, but
we took that leap together, a lot of people like to wait for the perfect time
and moment, but where is the fun in that?” Danielle adoringly still wears
that engagement ring to this very day and they have been in wedded bliss for
seven years. Danielle and John exchanged vows in the church that Danielle
grew up in Traverse City, Michigan.
haven’t inferred from above that Danielle is a not just a pretty face, but a hard-working
brainiac! Homegirl worked hard in the Mechanical Engineering field
before switching over to BioMed. John was in the same program of course,
until the NHL came calling, but returned every summer to chip away at what
courses he needed to complete his degree. And complete he did. John walked
across the stage to receive his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical
Engineering degree.

graduation Danielle and John decided that living apart was not an option
and wanted to explore the hockey life together. Danielle took a year off to
“kick around in Houston with John, enjoy the sunshine and focus on
planning the wedding”. After the two were married, Danielle, a true
go-getter, got a job with Boston Scientific, a leading medical device company
in the Bio-Med world. The Scott’s had their ducks in a row. Danielle was
pursuing her career and what she (had) worked so hard for, and John was
inching his way closer to his childhood dream of playing in the NHL.
Danielle recalls, “I felt like I was on top of the world.” Playing
for the Wild was the perfect play-out plan until John signed with the Chicago
Blackhawks. Danielle being a very independent woman decided that she
wasn’t ready to leave her career, to which her hard work just earned her a
promotion, or ready to leave her friends. “Being married and having a long
distance relationship was difficult…life went on like that for a while but
once I got pregnant with Eva, I decided to leave my career and join my
husband.” Working hard for your career and excelling at it is an amazing
feat and accomplishment, but when you are chosen to be a mother, it
becomes the most important job in the world. In getting to know Danielle, it is
clear that this mantra is what she lives by each day. With the nature of John’s
career and Danielle’s philosophy of family, she has not returned to her
career. Supporting her family is the greatest gift she could have given her
just “following” their husbands around, let me tell you, those
husbands/fiancés/boyfriends NEED us. From a very young age, they are given
almost everything they need, coddled if you will. They are used to living
a certain way and it actually doesn’t phase them at all, they have been groomed
for the lifestyle. The struggle and accommodation comes from their
female counter parts, us; the wives. The more of these amazing women
I meet, I am intrigued by their mastery of the lifestyle. I myself am still
learning what its like to ‘roll with the punches’. When I asked Danielle
what the hardest part of being a hockey wife was, her honesty and
sincerity floored me. This was her response:
I think that a good hockey wife loves the fact that their friends, home, social
calendar, work, hobbies, family and really everything about them revolves
around their husband and his career – where I’m the sort of wife that kind of
resents that fact. I have a wonderful lifestyle don’t get me wrong, but I’m an
independent person and I like having my own thing going on which I still work
my hardest to make possible but it doesn’t come very easily when you are
constantly moving around. Bottom line is this – John is out living his
childhood dream and the rest of us are along for the ride. It’s a good ride but
we work very hard for it and there are a lot of sacrifices on my end. I’m a go
getter, a do-it-yourselfer, I’m super frugal and I hate wasting money so in the
past I’ve really burnt myself out trying to do it all which I’ve learned is bad
for everyone.”
nutshell, Danielle rectifies, justifies, and without shame or
trying to protect an image, she makes me feel like my feelings are valid
and ok. Not everything about the lifestyle is easy and Hockey Wives are not
puck bunnies or leaches feeding off the blood of the provider. But we are more like part-time single parents, part-time wives, full-time cooks, launderers,
maids, doctors, secretaries, educators, and if there is time, we can find
something for ourselves to do. She brings up the word ‘resentment’. But
she doesn’t use it in the context you think. Sure, some of
you reading this might think, of course you would resent your husband if
you had to mould your life around his journey’s, but Danielle talks about
resentment as a lesson in the way to avoid it. Her husband is instrumental
in that. She continues:
the best hotels, playing cards with the guys, eating at the nicest restaurants,
enjoying endless alone time and I’m in the trenches alone with the kids, I have
to do whatever it takes to make me “OK” because I’m not much use for
anything if I’m not. And I have to give it up to my husband, he is so good –
when he comes home he tells me “go, get out, make time for yourself…I’ll
take the kids, make dinner, anything you need” and he does, and honestly a
break like that does wonders for me, I’m a better wife and mother and I’m so
grateful that he’s so good about that. Without him I’d be a mess.”

perfect world? No. But perspective, understanding, approach, and context is how
you can get by. Danielle’s hubby makes it easy for her when he can. He needs
her, her kids need her, let’s face it, the world needs more Danielle’s to help
us see the light when things aren’t always what we want them to be. Now
that I know Danielle…Heck, I need her! Even though she loved the excitement
of John getting called up and moving around, packing up and moving with
her kiddos was something of a difficult task. “I can pack
like a boss.” I ,too, love packing up and heading some place new, but I
haven’t had to do it with kids yet. “The moves are hard. I love the
fact that we’ve been on so many great teams but that means that we never really
get a chance to lay down any roots before having to pack it all up and head on
to the next adventure. Packing is emotional and exhausting, especially with
kids. Whenever we leave a place, I get emotional. These past few years we’ve
been growing our family so to leave a home behind where all those memories took
place is difficult.” She offers some really great advice of how
to make the transition as easy as possible for her little ones.
them involved!
pack their toys and belongings and what to pack.
like seeing their stuff get packed up in boxes or thrown out! Little
from Michigan to Houston to Minnesota, to Chicago to New York to Buffalo, and
now presently in San Jose. They have made the 7-year journey together.
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Buffalo |
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San Jose |
in July, and although they would love to return to their home in San Jose, they
will have to see what the change in leadership for the Sharks organization will
bring for this gypsy family. At the end of every season, they return home to
Traverse City, Michigan were they have family close and spend their summers
together by the lake seeking adventure at every opportunity.
Danielle love about the Hockey Wife life? She loves the adventure! If you
haven’t picked up on it yet, Danielle is very much a free spirit. She loves to
travel, which is perfect for the profession her hubby keeps. She shares,
“I love the rush of something new, meeting new people, the excitement of
the unknown. The energy of it all is so fun to me.” The Scott’s have had
the opportunity to spend tons of quality time together as well…in the
off-season or if John has a weekend off, which doesn’t happen all that often in
the hockey world. As a family they seek adventure and opportunities for their
girls to learn about the places they go, thus making transition exciting
rather than traumatizing. “If John is around we pack up the car and
cruise over to Carmel, Monterey, Tahoe, a hike through the Redwoods, Hawaii,
San Francisco, anywhere…you name it and we go.” This out and about attitude must pay homage to her rockin’ physique. She’s up in the world werkin’ on her fitness. Her go-to’s? She loves the rush of adrenaline from a gym workout or a challenging hike, bike, swim, or surf, but also seeks respite and self-connection with yoga. You name it, they do it…as a family, sigh. Happy thoughts.
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San Fran Fam |
describes her hubby as diligent, giving, their protector, and their rock.
Danielle beams (for a lack of a better word) about her husband being a 100%
hands on dad who is willing to go to the ends of the earth to protect and
provide for his girls. It seems these two are truly mad and made for each
other. In the stories she had told me about their family and their dynamic (I
wish I could share them all, but this isn’t a novel) there is a genuine
authenticity about their love story. Although, the lifestyle and the moves may
bring some stress and heartache, what they have is more than enough to overcome
and abolish any resentment that may rear its ugly head.
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Could you just die? #thesweetestthing |
Danielle’s infatuation and dedication to her family is heart-warming and I could have honestly written a novella from all I learned from her. Her parenting style is something that I admire and can relate to as well. She identifies herself as an “old school” parent, as she should and more parents should take on her style of parenting. She expects her kids to be disciplined and live life with a good set of values. Consistently authentic, Danielle takes pride in her role as a parent. For her, balance is key. “There is nothing I love more than the inquisitive playful child spirit, and I never want to break that, but I want my kids to be successful in life and, to me, that means discipline. There is a time for work, a time to behave, a time to be quiet, and of course lots of time to be the playful wild crazy animals that they are in spirit.” Planting the seed of positive values starts early for the Scott’s, as other’s should follow in her spirit, and for that to happen Danielle truly feels that quality time is the best way for her kids to be successful and happy girls. You can tell that Danielle is addicted to her girls, she truly gushes when talking about they joy the girls bring to their family. Entitlement seems to be becoming an issue in how our youth are raised in modern days. Danielle boasts that, “children are so impressionable, and I want to be the biggest influence in their lives.” With her free-spirit, enlightened intentions, and influential approach to living the sweet life, I know Eva and Gabriella will be the most kind-heart, de-lightful, little spirits you could ever imagine. I’m pretty excited my Little Man will have ladies like this in the world to woo. #inlaws ? #toomuch? #dontcare
raising her two beautiful girls and supporting her hubby in his lifelong dream,
Danielle discovered yet another passion and talent in her life; She did find something new in her journey as a hockey wife! She’s engineering….children’s clothing!
Danielle’s Website: Inspiration….
Light in Me is inspired by the free little warriors in my life, this
brand embraces the fresh energy of our kiddie-cats and believes in
creating a LIFE and STYLE which sets our inner child free.”
adorably fashioned clothing website for kids is 100% completely hand-crafted by
Danielle. She researches and hand selects all of the materials, creates the
design and then perfects each pattern. She has her very own mini-models, Eva
and Gabrielle, model her final creations. Light in Me {<–Link HERE!}by Danielle
specializes in the most amazing swim suits (which by the way,
are reversible!), headbands, leggings, tutu’s, scarves, beanies, and even
jewelry…for KIDS! Her style is amazing and really captures the fun nature and
light she has within herself.
Danielle hitting fashion mogul status, she’s not really aiming for the moon.
She loves what she does and really relishes in taking her time to channel her
creative genius. She isn’t interested in the pressures of this becoming a
business that is a means of support for her family. “I am a very
business minded individual but for now, my most important job is being a
mom.” Her business plan? “I love what I’m doing. I think its
a really great thing but I just want live in the moment with it and
see where it goes. As long as I am able to channel my creative calling and
inspire/uplift others I feel successful.” That’s Danielle. Looking out for
others, finding the Light and love around her. That is what inspires her
craft and its name. “Spirituality is important to me. I believe that we
are given gifts to express our individual creativity and the expression of
those God given gifts is what allows our highest self to shine. I believe in
the power of the human spirit, or the light in all of us, which is
where the name “The Light in Me” came from.” Danielle doesn’t
boast that she is ”moving mountains”, but that making children’s
clothes is what makes her happy and if her brand inspires others to answer
their creative calling then she is happy to see them shine. Danielle has
also been known to make women’s replica’s of her munchkin suits…special
request only.
Danielle advertises her creations on her Instagram account, which you can follow @LIGHTINMEBYDANIELLESCOTT. Although Danielle is not taking orders currently due to being out of the country on a family excursion, get excited because she is getting inspired while kicking it Costa Rica.
I loved talking with Danielle and learning how she makes living the very ‘mobile’ hockey life wonderful. She approaches each situation with light and love and always has the truest and purest intentions of health and happiness for her family as its beacon philosophy.
Thank you for your continuos light Danielle.
Love you all,