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Family Photo Session Secrets

Family Photo Session Secrets

We all want them. But oh, we fear them. Family Photos. We second guess the whole thought of even getting ONE good family photo. You know, the one with everyone "looking at the camera" ...which to me,

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Homeschooling, but Not.

Homeschooling, but Not.

Homeschool? What? The inner monologue of the vast majority of parents in the world chime in with their various stages of panic and it has nothing to do with the actual pandemic. "I have to teach my

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I Spent 100 Nights in Bed…with Endy.

I Spent 100 Nights in Bed…with Endy.

Confession: I was a woman on the edge. Dear Endy,I'm Barely hanging on. No seriously. I was sleeping on the very edge of our queen bed as my two boys and husband cruise steadily in REM. A mother never

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